The chassis of many Japanese Nissan cars is equipped with a separate type of anti-roll bar, connected to the suspension parts by two separate struts (rods). All about nissan stabilizer struts, their types and designs, as well as about the selection and repair - read this article.
Functions and purpose of the Nissan Stabilizer Rack
The Nissan stabilizer strut (stabilizer rod) is a component of the chassis of cars of the Japanese concern Nissan; a steel rod with ball joints connecting the end of the anti-roll bar to the suspension parts, and providing the transmission of forces and torques to prevent the vehicle from rolling.
While driving, the car is affected by multidirectional forces that seek to turn it, tilt it, make it oscillate in the vertical plane, etc. To dampen shocks, vibrations and shocks, Nissan cars are equipped with a suspension with elastic, guide and damping elements - shock absorbers, springs and others. And to combat excessive roll when driving along the radius (making turns) and on an inclined road, anti-roll bars (SPU) are used, made in the form of rods connecting the right and left suspension parts.
On Nissan cars, composite SPUs are most often used, made in the form of a steel rod, located under the bottom of the body or subframe, and two parts connecting it to suspension parts - struts or stabilizer rods.
Nissan stabilizer struts perform several functions:
● Transfer of forces and torques from suspension parts to the rod and in the opposite direction;
● Compensation for stabilizer deformations and changes in the position of suspension parts when the car is moving;
● Providing certain characteristics of the suspension of the car.
SPU struts are important parts of the chassis of any Nissan car, making it possible to operate it safely on different roads and in different driving modes. However, over time, these parts fail, requiring replacement – in order to perform this replacement, it is necessary to have information about the existing types of Nissan SPU rods, their design and characteristics.
Types, characteristics and features of Nissan stabilizer struts

Nissan Juke Anti-Roll Bar Design

Nissan stabilizer strut with two ball joints

Nissan Stabilizer Rack with Single Ball Joint

Nissan stabilizer strut adjustable
On Nissan cars, stabilizer struts of two design types are used:
● Unregulated;
● Adjustable.
Non-adjustable rod is a solid steel rod of one or another geometry and shape (straight, S-shaped, more complex geometry), at both ends having a hinge and fasteners. Racks of this type can have different lengths - from several tens of millimeters to 20-30 cm, depending on the dimensions of the car and the design features of its chassis. The non-adjustable rods of the SPU are mounted to the stabilizer rod and the shock absorber or suspension arm using hinges that provide the ability to change the mutual position of the parts without disrupting the operation of the entire system.
Rods can have two types of hinges:
● Ball joints on both sides;
● A ball joint on one side and a collapsible rubber-metal hinge on the pin on the other side.
Ball joints have the usual design: at the end of the rack there is a hinge body, closed on one side with a lid; in the case on the breadcrumbs or in the ring inserts there is a ball finger with a threaded tip; the finger is fixed in the case with a nut and is protected from contamination and lubricant leakage by a rubber cover (anther). Ball joints are usually located at an angle of about 90 degrees relative to each other, they are mounted on the rod and suspension strut using a nut and washer, or a nut with an integrated press washer.
The basis of the rubber-metal hinge is a threaded pin formed at the end of the rod, on which steel washers and rubber bushings are put on successively, the entire package after installing the rod is tightened with a nut.
Adjustable rod – a rod with one or two threaded tips, the cranking of which can change the overall length of the part. Fixation of the tip in the selected position is carried out with a lock nut. Such racks have hinges of two types:
● Eyelet on both sides;
● Eyelet on one side and rubber-metal hinge on the pin on the other side.
The hinge type hinge is made in the form of a tip with a ring at the end, in which a ball bushing is inserted (usually through an intermediate bronze sleeve acting as a bearing). To lubricate the ball bushing, a press oiler is located on the tip. The hinge on the pin has a design similar to the one described above.
Racks of milestone type stabilizers are made of various steel grades and are necessarily subjected to corrosion protection - galvanizing, nickel plating (parts have a characteristic metallic color) and oxidation (parts have a characteristic yellow color), in addition, the application of a polymer coating (staining) of black color is used. All fasteners - nuts and washers - have similar protection. Such measures ensure better operation of the racks under the constant influence of negative environmental factors.
One-piece SPU rods are most widely used on Nissan cars, as they are simpler in design, reliable and do not require adjustments. Adjustable racks are used only on modifications of the Fourth and Fifth Generation Nissan Patrol (Y60 and Y61).
For Nissan cars, a wide range of stabilizer struts is produced, on the market you can find parts from both Nissan and third-party manufacturers, including Nipparts, CTR, GMB, Febest, Fenox and others. This greatly expands the possibilities of choosing parts in accordance with the budget laid down for repairs.
How to Choose and Replace a Nissan Stabilizer Rack
Stabilizer struts constantly work in conditions of high mechanical loads and are exposed to negative environmental factors - all this is the cause of corrosion, deformation of parts, the appearance and spread of cracks and, as a result, destruction.
Also, over time, the hinges lose their qualities: the ball joints wear out and lose lubrication, the eyelets can crack, and the rubber bushings on the pin crack and dismantle. As a result, the struts transmit forces and moments from the stabilizer to the body and in the opposite direction worse, when the car is moving, they knock, and in especially difficult cases they can collapse and generally disrupt the operation of the chassis. If there are signs of malfunction, the racks should be replaced.
For replacement, you should take the rods of stabilizers only of those types and catalog numbers that were installed in the car by the manufacturer (especially for cars under warranty - for them replacements are unacceptable), or are allowed as analogues. It must be remembered that the racks are not only front and rear, but sometimes they differ on the side of the installation - right and left. Usually, rods are sold immediately with the necessary set of hinges and fasteners, but in some cases you have to buy additional nuts and washers - this should be taken care of in advance.
It is necessary to replace the rods of the stabilizers in accordance with the repair instructions for a particular car model. But in general, this work requires several simple actions:
1. Brake the car, jack up the side on which the part is replaced;
2. Remove the wheel;
3. Turn the nut of fastening the upper part of the thrust to the shock absorber;
4. Turn the nut of the attachment of the lower part of the rod to the rod of the SPU;
5. Remove the thrust, clean the place of its installation;
6. Install a new thrust;
7. Build in reverse order.
When installing a new rack with a pin mount, you should properly assemble the hinge by installing all washers and rubber bushings in a certain order. And tightening the nuts in all cases must be performed with the force recommended by the instructions - this will prevent spontaneous tightening of the nut or, conversely, deformation of the parts due to excessive tightening.
It should be noted that after installing the adjustable rack, it is necessary to adjust its length in accordance with the instructions. Also, sometimes after replacing the rods of the SPU, it may be necessary to adjust the camber and convergence of the wheels of the car.
If the Nissan stabilizer strut is selected and replaced correctly, the car will regain stability and will feel confident even in difficult road conditions.
Post time: May-06-2023